Friday, January 8, 2021

Among Us

There is no surprise here.

Hate has always walked among us.

It cosplays as 

that business owner, this teacher,

that shopper deciding between wheat bread and white

(they buy the white). 

Hate wears the mask of respectability,

often adding a veil of 

"I attend church every Sunday and sing in the choir".

And like the good actor it is,

Hate whispers itself into children's ears

so it can dance among our generations.

Hate is the neighbor who makes no noise

the one who never has barking dogs or loud parties.

"They seemed so nice." 

Hate puts words into mouths:

"Well, I'd never do what THEY did.  

I'm not a TERRORIST. 

I never wanted a COUP."

And perhaps THEY wouldn't break out windows

in the literal and philosophical heart of our democracy.

Perhaps THEY wouldn't illegally crawl through those broken windows,

break into offices,

steal podiums,

smear THEIR own feces on the walls holding up democracy,

live streaming and

taking selfies all the while.

Perhaps in the dark of the night

THEY wouldn't be crawling on their bellies

through the sewers of the internet,

through the Fox-news sludge,

sipping on  conspiracy-laced 






But for almost 4 years they believed everything else

their President told them.

Everything else.

How many of them are now unmoored from their foundations,

unsure what to believe

their social media feeds oddly empty

of their defensive posts?

But even more dangerous,

how many of them were energized,


by the power and chaos hate can muster,

 emboldened by the 74 million

fellow Trump supporters

who voted themselves into giving

passive permission?

It does no good to change sides now.

The damage has been done,

the wounds gaping open.

All any of us can do

is hold tight to 




and wonder

how many of them are 

among us

eagerly awaiting

their next chance?