Thursday, June 2, 2011

Just When Things Couldn't Get Weirder

1995-1997, we moved to Japan to teach English before the unavoidable pressures to "grow up" landed on us. Just before we returned to California, we had Patrick, who, upon entering this world in Nagoya, Japan, was told "Hana ga takai desu ne?", or "Wow, his nose is big, right?".

2005-2007 we moved back to Japan, funded by Bob's Fulbright Scholarship and his deep desire to complete his PhD before we hit retirement age. Patrick and Aya (our kids, for those of you already confused) attended Japanese public school for the first year (where they learned the wonders of total immersion) and the local international school for the second year (where they jubilantly rediscovered their native language).

Now, wonder of wonders, Bob, newly minted Phd in hand, has landed a job at Ritusmeikan University in Kyoto, Japan. This time around, I will be trading my Kindergarten teaching job for the honor of being a homeschool mom for our two rather befuddled teens.

And so we back we go. And back into blogging I go. May the force be with us.

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