Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ice, Ice Baby

Today I write about the needs of modern people. I write about innovation. I write about ingenuity.

I write about ice makers.

Now, we have lived in our share of apartments. And when renting, one seldom is graced with an expensive enough, or high-falutin' enough refrigerator to have it possess an automatic ice maker. Ice makers are, after all, luxury items. Ice itself could be seen as a luxury item.

After all, a person parched in the desert probably won't ask for ice. Potable water is the primary thought in their heads.

When renting, we have happily played the ice tray game--take empty plastic ice trays. Tote them to the sink. Fill them with water. Carefully walk the sloshing ice tray back to the freezer, where at least 30% of the time the water will spill down arms or on the floor. Bonus points are given for carrying multiple ice trays at once, which have the capability of sending sheets of water down your arms and into your armpits.

Here in Japan, I have discovered the compromise folks. The missing link between automatic ice makers and spill-prone ice trays.


Now, all the nifty drawers in our refrigerator are great. The tallness of it. The lithe silhouette.
But it is the ice maker that makes me smile the most.

Inside the refrigerator, right over the ice drawer, is a long, slender, rectangular water container with a twist off cap.

You fill this with water. Slide it back into it's slot until you feel the spout connect with the refrigerator spigot.

There is a little button on the inside the refrigerator you can push to tell it to start making ice.

Water is pumped from the water container into an ice machine. When the ice is frozen, the ice maker will plop it into the ice drawer.

Need more ice? Fill up the water container again, twist the lid back on, slide it into position.

The marvels of the modern world.

Which goes to show you, something doesn't have to be all that fancy to be convenient.

In fact, I think I have a hankerin' for some water right now.
With ice.

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