Friday, October 28, 2011


Greetings from Germland!

As is my custom everywhere I live, as the weather changes from warmish to cold, I catch one of my two yearly illnesses (the other illness being when cold weather changes back to warmish in the Spring).

Oddly enough, however, it was not I who started gathering up the germs. It was Aya. Around Tuesday afternoon sometime she began to get disturbing dark circles under her eyes (which she always gets when she is feeling ill), and, even more disturbing, did not want to really eat. By Tuesday night she was officially sick. Oh goody.

By Wednesday afternoon she was feeling worse and I was rapidly joining her. So, while she alternated between trying to do her on-line classes and sleeping, I put together my arsenal:

--Japanese hot vitamin C lemon drink (sold in powdered form in little packets)
--Apple tea (while this contains vitamin C, I mostly drink it because it is tasty)
--multi-vitamins (yeah, I really should be taking these all the time, shouldn't I?)
--Tylenol (required some research and translation to figure out the word acetaminophen in Katakana (アチタミノプァン), and then to figure out which commercial products contained acetaminophen.
--as many mikan (Japanese satsuma mandarin oranges) as I could purchase and snarf down.

By Thursday morning it was quite obvious that I wouldn't be attending Japanese class. Instead I stayed home, sipping endless teacups of lemon drink and apple tea, and sneezing every few minutes.

And by Thursday night, joy of joys, Patrick was, yes, stuffed up and feeling poorly.

In fact, the only one who managed to escape this horrible attack of ravenous germs was Bob, who, to his credit, only gloated a little.

So for now I shall be concentrating on blowing my nose and sucking down lemon drinks. I am hopeful that by tomorrow morning, I'll feel well enough to do some serious blogging.

Until then......achoo!

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