Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring: Boing, Boing, Boing

Hello all,

Spring is sneaking back into our lives here in Kyoto. It's a little like being able to stretch hugely after being crammed into a tiny car, or into a crowded train seat.

In our house, the first signs of Spring are the slow removal of the wrappings of Winter. We are peeling off the adhesive sponge tape that absorbed liters and liters of winter window condensation. We are unhooking and rolling up the "insulated curtains" (aka: glorified shower curtains that were supposed to insulate our windows). We've folded up the styrofoam sheets that blocked the coldest windows and peeled the bubble wrap from other windows.

We are even starting to leave doors between rooms open again (during the winter we kept rooms sealed as tightly as possible in order to maximize the efforts of our electric heaters).

As we slide into Spring, I'm starting to inch back into various types of teaching. On Monday nights I tutor a young businesswoman in English for 2 hours in a local coffee shop. On Tuesday mornings I tote myself to a nearby Austrian bakery and cafe to tutor several Japanese women who will be going to Europe in the Fall and who speak virtually no English.

And without a doubt, tiptoeing back into my former life as an English teacher is great fun. But what brings the biggest smile to my face is that starting this coming Wednesday, I'll be the After School Science Club teacher at Kyoto International School.

I've gotta admit, I've been missing the munchkins something fierce. So even an hour a week back with the kiddos is better than nothing.

Spring is one of the most beautiful times in Japan, and in Kyoto in particular. The quintessential sign of Spring in Japan is, of course, the cherry blossoms or "sakura", beneath which people flock to spread out their plastic tarps and have "ohanami" or flower viewing parties, which involve tasty food and plenty of liquid refreshment. Sakura are not taken lightly either. Newspapers, websites and TV news programs track the blooming of the Sakura as Spring moves through each island and city. Everything--from beer cans to mochi to the decorations hanging in department stores--is festooned with the iconic sprays of pink and white cherry blossoms.

As for me, I'm just glad to feel the sun on my face again.

Here's hoping that your Spring is filled with warm sun, new adventures and endless possibilities...

Until next time.

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