Thursday, August 9, 2012

Hello Charades--We're Back!

Hello all from Sinseol-Dong!

We are at the end of day 2 in Seoul.  And I am happy to say that we have learned some truths already which I feel will make us wiser:

1. When flying  on a low cost airline in Japan, it is a lot like flying on a regular airline in the states.  As far as I could tell, The only difference is that we don't get free sodas.

2. As a bonus we got the very Kwaj like experience of riding on a bus out to the plane, and then Actually walking up a set of outside stairs to board. (It should be noted that this was due to the discount airline terminal not yet being finished, and not due to some sort of discount airline "we can't afford a proper boarding gate" issue.  I still got a kick out of it)

3. Never underestimate the power of charades as a communication tool.

4. Incredible spiciness does NOT, in fact, always appear as a brilliant red chili color.  Spiciness can also be quite invisible.

5. Seoul is not appreciably cooler than Kyoto, but since it is so awesome, I forgive it. 

6. Confusingly, it is equally difficult to find a good antiperspirant/deodorant here as it is in Japan.  I can only assume that people on this side of the world have developed the happy ability to simply sweat less than I do.  If this is so. I am alarmingly envious.

7.  Dragons beard candy is possibly the most lovely thing to eat ever created. 

So I am sure we will learn more handy things as the days progress.  But for now, suffice it to say that Seoul is an incredibly vibrant, diverse, colorful, noisy and delightful place, and we have barely tiptoed into life here. 

What's next for the functionally illiterate Mooreheads in Seoul?  I haven't the foggiest idea, but I'm positive it will be unbelievable. 

Until next time....


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