Saturday, August 31, 2013

Aaaaaand....Here I go again!

Hello everyone,

I actually have a great reason why this blog isn't being updated more often.  I really do.

You see, I'm once again leaping into the world of playdough and C-V-C words, counting with fingers  and learning how to tie shoes, goldfish crackers and big pencils.  For those of you who aren't teachers, or who aren't primary teachers, let me tell you it's a great world.  There is never a shortage of curiosity and questions. For 5 and 6 year olds the world is one big question mark.

But it's not my job to feed them the answers for their big question mark.

My job is to guide them towards discovering how to find their own answers.

And that, my friends, is what it's all about.

Education as an institution, as a money-maker, as a political agenda item, gets so tangled up in conflicting and competing theories, budget belt-tightening, textbook company slick sellers and especially all things testing that everyone forgets what education is REALLY about.

It's about the kids.
It's about opening their eyes, literally and figuratively.
It's about guiding them, not to be machines that spit out memorized  multiple choice answers, but to be thinkers and creators, inventors and innovators.

It's about showing them the magic behind curiosity and learning.

And while teachers are a vital, irreplacable part of this, education, in the end, isn't about teachers.  It isn't about me.

It's about the kids.

So tomorrow morning, at 8:55am, I will be standing in front of a class of brand new Kindergarteners.

And I promise you, it will be an adventure, and I will once again learn from them just as much, if not more, than they learn from me.

Let the fun begin!

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