Sunday, February 23, 2014


It started very simply on 8/08/08 at 8:08pm, at The Bean sculpture in Chicago,  Illinois....

The Beckoning of Lovely 8/08/08

The next year, on 9/09/09,  it quietly continued...

The Beckoning of Lovely 9/09/09

Author Amy Krouse Rosenthal had a vision, you see.  She chose to take just  one day out of her year,  and do something simple and yet tremendous with it.

She would try to beckon lovely.  In this case, the loveliness in bringing people together.

On 10/10/10 at 10:10pm, she returned...

The Beckoning of Lovely 10/10/10

This time the crowd was bigger, requiring a bit more planning for Amy,  but the simplicity and the message stayed the same.

Again, bringing together strangers to share something lovely.

On 11/11/11, she came back one final time.

The Beckoning of Lovely 11/11/11

I confess after I watched this final video, I felt a little abandoned.  If Amy wasn't going to beckon lovely, who would?

The answer is as simple as Amy's goals for this whole project--

we would.

We all would.

Because we can all beckon lovely.

I think our world is in special need of some lovely right about now.

Because I read the news and watch the reports and I wonder,
how can humans be capable of such a level of hate
as in...

every day...

yet at the same time, be capable of
beckoning such lovely things
if they
really want to.

I guess we have to really want to.

So the question we?

Until next time....

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