Monday, January 9, 2017

2017--My Paragraph Year

Happy New Year!


Ambivalent New Year?  Terrified New Year?  Confused New Year?

Take your pick--they all apply.

I have decided that for this new year, less is more.  Thus I am going to do a new thing where I try to post more often, but confine my rants to a single paragraph.

And lo, I shall call them "Para-Rants".

Today's Para-Rant:   Vision

People have always been, and will always be highly skilled at seeing what they want to see instead of what they have to see.  People in love only see their beloved's wonderful qualities.  People in hate only see the the horrors of their enemy's ways.  And because people rely on tender, vulnerable and often flawed physical vision and hearing to gain brain-feeding information, they are easily misled.  For example, let's say there is a famous, powerful person who constantly posts superficial, inflammatory messages on social media, says superficial and inflammatory things to TV cameras and reporters .  Our flawed eyes and ears take in these messages and our selective brains chew on them. Meanwhile, this famous and powerful person is making vital, life-changing, perhaps world-changing decisions, unbeknownst to our softly distracted brains.

This famous and powerful person KNOWS how easily clouded we are.

It is about vision.  It is about what we choose to see and how well we can see past the obvious and the easily consumed.

True clarity of vision takes work my friends.
I, for one, think it is  time for us to get to work.

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