Sunday, March 19, 2017

Forgotten Immigrant Roots: A Letter

Dear President Trump

Don’t forget that through your veins
runs immigrant blood as well.

What would your immigrant mother
Mary Anne MacLeod-
born in Scotland-
think of you today?
Would she praise your treatment of immigrants
when she was once  poor and  in their same desperate shoes?

Would she praise your budgetary decimation
of the arts, of food programs for the young, elderly and poor
when she used her eventual status and money to support
organizations for disabled adults and cerebral palsy? 

We will never know. 

Perhaps it does not matter to you what 
your mother
would’ve thought or said 
because it is abundantly clear that 
you modeled yourself after your 
paternal grandfather (and German immigrant)
Friedrich Trump (born Drumpf). 
His  tenacity to succeed
often overrode the softer, perhaps you would say weaker human qualities
of  compassion, ethics, legality and morality.

This same tenacity and impatience for anything that stood in his way
was inherited by your father, Frederick Christ Trump.

And so it goes, 
from your paternal grandfather
to your father
to you.

I wonder Mr. President,
what is it in your immigrant past
that has twisted you so thoroughly
to despise and legislate against people
who, after all,
want to immigrate here for so many of the same  reasons
that compelled your mother to leave her home. 

You may say that your family is none of our business.

And to a certain point you are correct.
Everyone deserves a certain privacy after all.

in seeking and winning the Presidency of the United States
you are now the face of this nation,
and whether or not you want to acknowledge it,
you are
a public servant.

And so we are watching. 

We must watch and we must ask
and we must investigate.

Your smokescreens of 
your carnival of foolish and dangerous advisors, 
and your shameful unprofessionalism when meeting with world leaders
have clouded the reason and thinking of some—
your supporters, confused and desperate for change and help
you are incapable of delivering--
but there are many more of us who see you quite clearly.

You choose to wear the cloak of the buffoon
in order to covertly erode our nation from within.

After all, any playground bully knows
it is always easier to rule over the frightened, fragmented  and desperate
than the confident and united.

But many of us see the destructive path
down which you are leading our country. 

Our country.

So we’ll remind you that it wasn’t so long ago
that your own family members
were once the “other",
the outsiders wanting, needing to get in.

And that your right to call this country YOURS,
your right to become President of the United States,
rests squarely on the backs of your own






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