Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Viruses don't care about us AT ALL.

They. Don't. Care.

Their one existential objective is to THRIVE.

In their trillions they take the paths of least resistance

into our moist, vulnerable,  living bodies,


and then try to leave

in order to do it all again.

They don't pick and choose which body to enter.

They. Don't. Care.

And luckily for the viruses, many of us

Don't. Care. Either.

But we still have a choice.

We can battle against this together,

survive together,

care, and support, and rebuild together...

or we can hide in our factions,

cooing over our illusions of money and power,

shaking our tiny, useless fists of independence into the ambivalent sky

and succumb.

Doesn't matter to the viruses.

They.  Don't.  Care. 

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