Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Eulogy for our Country

I am writing this while I still can,
and sharing it while I am still able,
before my keyboard is frozen
my internet banned
and my voice silenced.

This is my eulogy for our country.

Now with each flourish
of that golden presidential pen
our rights
our hopes
our choices
our hard won lessons
our questioning, questing minds
a little further. 

This is my eulogy for our country.

We have elected a man
who has confused business acumen
with leadership.

We have elected a man who will sell our souls
for the right price
to the highest and best bidder.

I do not blame those who believed his sparkle and show.
They did not vote for him to spite those of us
who could see the foreshadowing of today
all too well. 

They voted for him out of
closed-eye denial

They are our neighbors wearing thousands of different faces.

I pity the moment when each of them realizes, finally realizes
the price we will all pay
for their simple ballot mark.

This is my eulogy for our country.

I was born at the end of 1966
to a country still reeling from  the empty space
where John F. Kennedy
once stood
and learned to walk and talk
as our country bled through the losses
of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X and  Robert Kennedy. 

I grew up in a country that flailed and twisted
through the horrific uncertainty of the Vietnam War.
I grew up in a time where the fire of protests nudged up against
the mindless goo of variety shows 
and the dizzy, swaying idealism of Woodstock. 

I watched with increasing awareness
as each president we elected 
struggled through their personal flaws
and political ambitions.

Some succeeded.
Some failed.
Some hovered between the two.

In all of my 50 years of life 
though I have at times doubted our country,
questioned our leaders,
cheered each president’s better choices
worried about each presidential mistake—

in all of my 50 years of life
I never caught this glimpse of the end--

the end of this grand experiment
that drew together our diverse hopes and lives
into a messy, flexing, imperfect miracle.

But now I see the possible end of those
formerly self-evident truths
that united these states.

I watch each flourish of that golden presidential pen
and feel a clenching terror
at each facet of our lives that he signs away.

Make no mistake-
we will live on
but I can't help but fear what we will become.

And so

I am writing this while I still can,
and sharing it while I am still able,
before my keyboard is frozen
my internet banned
and my voice silenced.

This is my eulogy for our country. 


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